
UC Davis ADVANCE Scholar Award Program and Lecture Series

The UC Davis ADVANCE program is sponsoring an award program and lecture series to highlight and celebrate the contributions women STEM faculty at UC Davis have made to their fields through outstanding research activity and mentorship. Please consider nominating a UC Davis colleague or yourself as an ADVANCE Scholar.  Up to two ADVANCE Scholars will be selected each year.  Each ADVANCE Scholar will receive a small award, and will be asked to deliver a campus presentation on their research and mentorship activities.

During the 2014-15 academic year, the ADVANCE Scholar Lecture Series will consist of two lectures,  one each in the Winter and Spring quarters.  Each seminar will be widely advertised, with the intent of bringing together a multi-disciplinary audience of faculty, students and post-doctoral scholars, and will be followed by a reception.  

Please submit nominations by filling in the fields below or by sending the nomination form to Sophie Barbu at Nominees will be reviewed by the members of the UC Davis ADVANCE program’s Mentorship and Networking committee. Please send questions about the ADVANCE Scholar Award nomination process, or a request for more information, to Mentorship and Networking Initiative Co-Director, Dr. JoAnne Engebrecht at

Nominations due May 27, 2014

Your information
Nominee information