
Adela de la Torre
UC Davis ADVANCE Co-Principal Investigator, Social Sciences Research Initiative Co-Director, Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs and Campus Diversity, and Professor of Chicana/o Studies

Adela de la Torre, an agricultural economist, is a professor in the Chicana/o Studies Department and director of the Center for Transnational Health at UC Davis. Dr. de la Torre’s publications and research primarily focus on social determinants of Chicano/Latino health issues, including border and binational health. In addition, her recent NIH funded work includes targeting English Language Learning student science educational disparities and developing university- and school-based partnerships to tackle this growing educational divide.

Recently she was awarded a $4.8 million USDA NIFA grant focusing on addressing childhood obesity issues within the Mexican origin community. She was appointed to the national advisory committee for the American Human Development Index, is founding and former President of the American Society of Hispanic Economists and is a founding board member of the Latino Coalition for a Healthy California. Dr. de la Torre holds a Ph.D. in Agricultural Economics from UC Berkeley.