
Lisa Tell
UC Davis ADVANCE STEAD Committee Member, Professor of Veterinary Medicine

Lisa Tell is Professor of Veterinary Medicine at UC Davis. She has been a full-time faculty member with the UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine since 1997, and currently has an appointment as a Professor of Veterinary Medicine with the Department of Medicine and Epidemiology.

She received her DVM in 1991 in Avian/Zoology from the University of California, Davis. She conducted her internship and residency at the National Zoological Park in Washington, DC.  From 1997-2006, she was the Chief of Service for the Companion Avian and Exotic Pet Medicine Service at the Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital at UC Davis. In 2006, Dr. Tell became the Regional Directors for the Minor Use Animal Drug and Food Animal Residue Avoidance Databank Programs. Her research focus is on Antibiotic and Antifungal Therapeutic Treatment Regimes, as well as  Drug Residues Relative to Food Safety (Avian and Small Rumiant Focus). She has the following licenses: State Licensure – California, Diplomate American Board of Veterinary Practitioners (Avian Specialty), Diplomate American College of Zoological Veterinarians.