Other Event

Empowering Women in STEM Presents “The Art of Negotiation” Workshop
UC Davis
Voorhies Hall

Empowering Women In STEM Presents “The Art of Negotiation” Workshop

When: March 5 , 2014:  1:00 pm-2:30 pm

Where: UC Davis, 126 Voorhies Hall

**The topic “Art of Negotiation” can be useful for Faculty as well as Students. All Faculty and Students irrespective of their gender and non STEM students are welcome to attend**

In this exciting, participatory workshop you will learn how being a good negotiator can help you succeed—whether you are negotiating your salary, resolving conflicts, or just navigating everyday life!

• How to prepare for a negotiation: groundwork for achieving success
• How to negotiate with those that refuse to negotiate, and identifying ‘acceptable risk’
• The importance of building good relationships: working towards a common goal
• What not to say or do during a negotiation
• Differences in how males and females negotiate


Carolyn Penny, Director of Campus Dialogue and Deliberation, UC Davis
Martha Guzman-Aceves, Deputy Legislative Secretary, Govenor Edmund G. Brown Jr.
Ramona Swenson, Senior Consultant/Aquatic Ecologist, Cardno Entrix

QUESTIONS: Please contact Erin Arms (emarms@ucdavis.edu) and Amandeep Kaur (ackaur@ucdavis.edu), Co-Chairs, Empowering Women in STEM (EWIS) committee, Chancellor’s Graduate and Professional Student Advisory Board (CGPSA)