Dr. Mariko Chang is the external evaluator for our program. Dr.
Chang has a PhD in Sociology from Stanford University and was an
Associate Professor of Sociology at Harvard University from 1998
to 2007 where she published work on occupational sex segregation
across countries, the use of social networks for gathering
financial information and began her work on the gender wealth
gap. She is also a member of the Insight Center for Community
Economic Development’s Experts of Color Clearinghouse, a Featured
Expert at the National Council for Research on Women, and an
Affiliate Scholar at the Women of Color Policy Network at NYU
Wagner. In addition to authoring numerous journal articles
and reports, Dr. Chang is the author of Shortchanged: Why
Women Have Less Wealth and What Can Be Done About It,
(Oxford University Press, 2010).
Dr. Chang is an independent consultant specializing in Faculty
Diversity and Program Evaluation. She currently serves as an
evaluation consultant for the Johns Hopkins University Institute
for NanoBio Technology, and as external evaluator for programs at
Iowa State University, Syracuse University, Purdue University,
Montana State University, and the University of New Hampshire.
She is also the past Managing Director of Brown University
Advance-IT Program, and Associate Professor of Sociology and of
Social Studies at Harvard University.
Dr. Mariko Chang is the External Evaluator for the UC Davis
ADVANCE Program. A former Associate Professor of Sociology at
Harvard University, she currently works as an independent
consultant helping universities diversify their faculty and as an
external evaluator specializing in NSF-funded grants, including
LSAMP, IGERT, ADVANCE, and Research on Gender in Science and
Engineering grants. She has served on numerous NSF review panels
and site visits.