ADVANCE Presents “Latina STEM Pathways to the Professoriate: Findings from President’s Postdoctoral Fellowship Program Interview Study” at the 8th UI Conference
Philadelphia, PA
The ADVANCE Social Science Research Initiative presented “Latina STEM Pathways to the Professoriate: Findings from President’s Postdoctoral Fellowship Program Interview Study” at the 8th Understanding Interventions That Broaden Participation in Science Careers Conference February 26-28, 2016 in Philadelphia, PA.
Abstract: Several barriers deter Latina PhDs from entering into STEM careers in academia. Few qualitative studies have documented the career paths of Latinas in STEM fields to understand the contextual factors leading them to choose other career pathways outside of the professoriate. This interdisciplinary team of researchers has set out to investigate the career paths of former Latina UC President Postdoctoral fellows (PPFP) in various STEM disciplines between 1998 and 2014 by conducting in-depth, semi-structured interviews. The interviews are designed to identify the social, familial, and institutional barriers PPFP scholars have faced, their experiences of gender, class, and ethnic/racial discrimination, and the impact of the fellowship on their career success. This presentation will focus on the factors Latina PPFP fellows experienced throughout their educational trajectories that have lead them to successfully enter academia.
Presenters include:
Yvette Flores, Lisceth Brazil-Cruz, and
Mary Lou de Leon